Friday, February 22, 2008

s3oodiyat driving (",)

I've read an Article around 2 days ago , its says Girls will drive by the end of this year Max in Saudi Arabia =$.
you know , I want that to happen more than anyone on earth. I WANT MY SISTERS TO SUFFER *____* , Every morning they make their cute lil cheese sandwiches and cups of coffee and then ride without the need to freak out from every sicko driving his car for 30 mins daily *_*
But , after thinking about it , Ladies when the official thing goes out and they tell you to drive , for gods sake stay home! , sis keeps saying she'll buy a Hummer to Run over every person she sees . which is kinda freaky :s
I've made a couple of assumptions , god forbid but I'm guessing they will happen
if a girl drives a car in KSA here's what I think would happen:
1-Muttawa will ram your car and smash the hell out of it till u freak the hell out and never drive again
2-guys will try to flirt and if u show no intrest , they'll stop ur car and try to force u out of it
3-if by any chance you hit a guy by mistake , Enjoy Al-Malaz Jail *coughs* not friendly I tell you -.-
oh yeah , they also said if the girl driving puts any make up , She will be imprisoned (A)
so 7ate6la3o 3ala 7a8ee8atkom (6) , Enjoy ur future driving experience =P

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Post =)

Couldn't sleep but Im Sleepy!
thats how I came up with the thought of blogging myself to bed *coughs* , enough with the intro
I'm Khalid , a guy living in Riyadh covered with a blankie *coughs again*
Im not new to the blogging hemisphere , used to blog long ago but stopped because I realised I was saying stupid things literally , i was 16 btw.
Its funny how one day you think that what your doing is perfectly fine and the next day you realise how idiotic you were the previous day, yes its called growing up!
the main reason for the blog is because I've got alot to say , but no one to say it to, its not like ill go to my friends and say hey , I feel life is sad.. and the guy would be like wtf :, sooo
I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts and feedback is always appreciated =)